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Haiti: the failed state faced with the silence of the elites

  • January 12, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 39

Today more than yesterday, the bankruptcy of the Haitian state has become more obvious, even more palpable. Everything suggests that at the next crossroads, the collapse awaits us impatiently. Let’s face it: we are incapable of ensuring the governability of our own country. As a result, our destiny as a people escapes us. Indeed, having “acted” alone for too long and following our own little interests, today we are perishing “in common”. Having deliberately ignored that democracy involves man in general and must be expressed by each member of the political community, we find ourselves today entangled in the degrading individualist logic of whoever can. Having sinned against the “spirit of democracy” from the start, here we are today faced with armed gangs who kill us, who rob us, who rape us, who kidnap us, who burn our houses and take our lives Held hostage. We resemble everything, except the proud Haitian, great and smuggler of Liberty, as defined and desired by the Heroes of our Independence.

God only knows by what magic trick we managed to make a Republic carrying universal humanist values, a chaos surpassing hell in furies. By a certain trick of stupidly democratic reason, laxity, indecency, carelessness and disorder ended up being established in Haiti. Today, everything is worth it. So nothing is worth nothing. At the top as well as at the lowest of the social ladder, the observation is all the more alarming because even the lowest of optimists ultimately gives free rein to doubt. Besides, can we dream in a cemetery?

At a time when the bullets speak louder than the authorities in silent mode, the Haitian elites here and elsewhere (universities, economics, politics, culture, etc.) must come out of their absolute silence. Faced with the architects of chaos, the awakened Consciousnesses, because there are still some, must rise to relearn, let us say better, teach the people to truly live in democracy. Today more than ever, one and the same Ideal must bring together and unite the living forces of what remains of our torn nation: Get Haiti out of chaos! Since the State seems to have admitted defeat, it is up to the organizations established in Haiti or in the Diaspora, to the Churches, to the University, in short to the economic, political and social elites that it is up to set the tone, to say stop there! This, to put an end to the descent into hell. Haitian elites everywhere, wake up! Unite!



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