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Hati: A plane hit by projectiles, the Portail-Logane sub-police station partially burns

  • February 29, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 38

The commune of Port-au-Prince woke up under tension this Thursday, February 29, 2024. Sporadic gunfire is heard everywhere. The latest information reports that a plane was hit by a projectile and the bandits set fire to the Portail-Léogane sub-police station.

Almost all the large municipalities in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince woke up under tension this Thursday, February 29. Toussaint Louverture International Airport and the Guy Malary terminal were in general panic this morning.

According to videos that have gone viral on social networks, employees and travelers
had to lie on the ground to escape the murderous bullets. If bullets even reached the outline of the waiting room at Guy Malary airport, the information suggests that a plane was hit by a projectile.

A wind of panic also reigns in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince. In several areas including Bel-Air, Champ de Mars, Marché Salomon, Tabarre, Bas de Delmas and Plaine, automatic weapons fire is heard, the population is on alert.

According to available images, the Portail Leogane sub-police station was partially burned. Information confirmed by the police. Cars in the courtyard of the premises were also set on fire by the bandits. Police officers were at the sub-station at the time of the attack. In the vicinity of the Champ de Mars, students had to take flight to avoid stray bullets. The students of the Petit Séminaire Collège St Martial, neighboring the Krache Dife gang in Bel Air, were the most exposed. Parents rushed to pick up their children. In the city center, bandits paraded with weapons in hand.

This situation comes a few hours after the Miami Herald announced that the Prime Minister is committed to organizing elections in Haiti by August 2025. Opposition figures have clearly displayed their dissatisfaction with such attempts, announcing that they will do everything to prevent Ariel Henry visiting Kenya from returning to the country.

By: Daniel Zéphyr

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