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The United States does not rule out sending forces to Haiti as part of an international solution, according to General Laura Richardson

  • March 20, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 40

Ariel Henry and her SDP-Fusion allies would then rejoice in their mission duly accomplished!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 ((–“We are ready if our State Department and the Department of Defense ask us to be,” said Southern Command Chief Gen. Laura Richardson.

The head of the United States Southern Command, General Laura Richardson, did not rule out sending forces to Haiti on Tuesday as part of an “international solution” to deal with the spiral of violence in the Caribbean country . “I think an international solution, a solution that also includes Haiti’s perspective, is very important. That’s why I don’t think an exclusively American solution is the way to go,” the general said during an event at the American think tank Atlantic Council in Washington.

President Joe Biden’s administration seeks “to do just that: work on an international solution,” she added. Asked whether U.S. forces could be part of the international solution, Richardson responded: “They ultimately could be, we wouldn’t rule it out at any time” given “what’s happening in this country “. “We are ready if our Department of State and the Department of Defense ask us to,” she added.

Kenya promised to send police officers to lead an international security mission supervised by the UN, but suspended it until the formation of a transitional presidential council, which will run the country after the resignation of the prime minister controversial Ariel Henry.

The serious humanitarian crisis is raising fears of a massive wave of migrants. According to Richardson, Southern Command, which covers Latin American countries except Mexico, also has “a wide range of contingency plans” that it is updating to deal with a possible mass migration. “We’re always ready for that,” she said.