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Haiti – International Day of the Francophonie: Message of reflection from Lesly Cond

  • March 22, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 42

Haiti – International Day of La Francophonie: Message of reflection from Lesly Condé
22/03/2024 09:19:04

On March 20, International Day of La Francophonie, Lesly Condé Ex-Consul General of Haiti in Chicago (August 2004 – May 2018), delivered, as every year, a message of reflections that we invite you to read and share.

Message from Lesly Condé:

“I am proud to welcome and celebrate with Haitians everywhere this new edition of the World Francophonie Day. Like many other peoples across the planet, we inherited the French language in conditions that are not always romantic, and that we do not intend to explore today. The vagaries of history have meant that we share this beautiful language with other nations. Some of them have many things in common with us, things that this common language allows us to discover. The Francophonie can take advantage of the progress of the age of communication to encourage collaboration between several nations.

Celebrating the Francophonie means, above all, recognizing and respecting this tangible element characterizing people who, despite their clearly different backgrounds, manage to understand, get along and appreciate each other. The local colors that are observed in the use of the French language from one country to another, from one territory to another or from one continent to another make this beautiful language ever richer and more interesting. It’s like a pleasant and endless adventure.

The French-speaking world therefore allows us to communicate in complete harmony with brothers alienated by history and geography. We discover fascinating worlds, we explore the complexity and richness of the human experience, we discover ourselves and we enrich our own world.

French ranks fifth among the world’s languages ​​in terms of its use. It is preceded by Mandarin, English, Spanish and Arabic. It shares with English the distinction of being a language spoken on every continent of the globe.

The French language is constantly enriched. It is spoken by approximately 321 million humans in 106 countries and territories. She can also boast of being constantly protected by the prestigious Académie Française. Haiti is also proudly represented by the eminent writer Danny Laferrière.

I wish you all an excellent Francophonie Day. »

Read also:
Message from Lesly Condé 2024:

Message from Lesly Condé 2023:

Message from Lesly Condé 2022:

Message from Lesly Condé 2021:

HL/ HaitiFree

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