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Caricom attempts to resurrect Ariel Henry, head of a moribund and corrupt virtual government

  • March 30, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 44

The country is experiencing a crisis exacerbated by the proliferation of armed gangs, fueled in part by an illegal flow of weapons from the United States, despite efforts by the Biden administration to remedy it. The gangs, equipped with powerful weapons and on a “planned” mission, today control a large part of Port-au-Prince, while the alternative government PHTK-Tèt Kale, which itself grouped the gangs into one federation, is in complete disarray.

The United Nations, which has long supported the corrupt, illegitimate and unconstitutional administration of Ariel Henry and his SDP-Fusion-Inite allies, has reported an alarming increase in the number of deaths linked to gang violence, while international actors such as CARICOM seek to establish a transitional government to restore order and hold “free and fair” elections, even as a fourth version of the PHTK looms on the horizon.

To resolve the crisis in Haiti outside of the Constitution, a Presidential Transitional Council, composed of representatives of the various Haitian factions, including those causing the chaos, should be formed. However, the continued flow of illegal weapons and endemic corruption are hampering progress, leaving the country in a state of chaos and humanitarian despair.

International partners, including the United States and CARICOM, are urging the (initially unpopular) government to take urgent action to restore stability and security, while recognizing the immense challenges facing the country. While the situation in Haiti remains fragile and uncertain, efforts continue to find lasting solutions (with the actors who generated the crisis, SDP and Fusion in particular) and to help the country rebuild and develop on the long term.

Letter from Caricom to Ariel Henry, Prime Minister of the Virtual Government of Haiti

28 mars 2024

Prime Minister Ariel Henry,

The March 11, 2024 meeting in Jamaica, where CARICOM heads of government brought together Haitian stakeholders and international partners, led to the commitment of Haitian stakeholders to a transitional government arrangement through of the formation of a Presidential Council. This entity is expected to facilitate a smooth and peaceful transition of power as well as continuity of governance, paving the way for free and fair elections as soon as possible.

During this meeting, we took note of your resignation as Prime Minister, upon the establishment of this Transitional Presidential Council and the appointment of an interim Prime Minister. Following extensive consultations among the various stakeholders and sectors mentioned in the Final Declaration of March 11, 2024, CARICOM wishes to inform that the composition of the Presidential Council is as follows:

Collective of January 30: Edgard Leblanc Son Agreement of December 21: Louis Gérald Gilles Son of Dessaline: Emmanuel Vertilaire EDE/RED/Compromise History: Ambassador (de facto) Smith Augustin The Lavalas Family: Leslie Voltaire Montana Agreement of August 30, 2021: Fritz Jean Private sector : Laurent Saint Cyr Observers: 8. Civil society: Frinel Joseph

Interfaith sector: Régine Abraham It is your responsibility to take the necessary procedural formalities to facilitate the immediate installation of the Presidential Transitional Council leading to the appointment of an interim Prime Minister. This is a critical and urgent first step to enable the Presidential Transitional Council to begin functioning and initiate the accelerated deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission authorized by Security Council Resolution 2699/2023 United Nations. The MSS aims to support the Haitian National Police to bring the country to a situation of security and stability with a view to holding free and fair elections, thus paving the way for recovery, growth and long-term development from Haiti.

CARICOM will come back to you once the name of the interim Prime Minister has been made public.
