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Dr Dichmy Dumorney | Barbarian attacks against the Petit Séminaire St Martial and the RLEdH # 5: The cry of a son of two inherited institutions.

  • April 1, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 39

On April 1, 2024, a dark and painful day, while the sun is veiled in sadness over our beautiful Haiti, we are confronted with the horror of the merciless attacks against two sacred monuments of our heritage: the Petit Séminaire Collège Saint-Martial, erected in 1865, and the Respectable Star Lodge of Haiti #5, founded in 1816. These jewels of our culture and our morality have been desecrated by acts of vandalism of unspeakable cruelty, leaving in their wake deep pain within our society.

The Petit Séminaire Collège Saint-Martial, this majestic building which was the cradle of knowledge and the awakening of minds for more than a century and a half, was the home of generations of students who subsequently shaped the future of our nation through their commitment and dedication. Its walls, imbued with the history and aspirations of our people, today bear witness to the unbearable outrage inflicted on our common heritage.

Likewise, the Respectable Star Lodge of Haiti #5 has embodies since its creation in 1816 the values ​​of fraternity, solidarity and humanism which are at the heart of our national identity. As a beacon of light within our community, she has worked tirelessly to promote peace and understanding among men, and her desecration is an offense to our very humanity.

These acts of brutal and senseless violence are more than just a material violation; they represent a profound insult to our history, our traditions and our most sacred values. In these times of difficulty and turmoil, it is essential that we stand up, as a people, to condemn with the greatest firmness these acts of barbarity and destruction.

More than ever, we must demonstrate solidarity and resolution to protect and preserve what makes our national heritage great and rich. We must redouble our efforts to defend our beloved institutions and pass on to future generations the precious heritage of our culture, history and values.

In this time of anger, I want to express my unwavering support for the leaders and members of the Petit Séminaire Collège Saint-Martial and the Respectable Loge Étoile d’Haïti #5. These two institutions are not only symbols for our nation, but they are an integral part of my own life. Their pain is mine, and I am committed to supporting them in their quest for justice and reparation.

Allow me to share an excerpt from the anthem of the Collège Saint-Martial Minor Seminary, “Saint Martial, may your ardent flame inflame us”. This flame does not represent the physical fire which consumed the computer room of the institution, but symbolizes the brilliance of an excellent education which has ignited the Saint Martialais for more than a century and a half.

May the light of truth and justice always triumph over the darkness of hatred and destruction. By remaining united and determined, rooted in our history and guided by our shared commitment to preserving our heritage, we will overcome this ordeal with courage and resilience.

Dr Dichmy Dumorney