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The terrorist and arsonist gangs of Haiti: A threat to Heritage and education

  • April 2, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 29

Par Patrick Prézeau Stephenson (English Follows)


In the current context of Haiti, the country is facing an unprecedented wave of violence, orchestrated by terrorist gangs who, allied with obscurantists, pose a direct threat not only to security and social peace, but also to the cultural and educational heritage of the nation. The recent arson of the Petit Séminaire Collège Saint-Martial, an emblematic institution of Port-au-Prince, is a tragic and revealing example.

An Attack on History and Education

The Petit Séminaire Collège Saint-Martial, founded in 1865, not only offers quality education to Haitian youth; it is also a keeper of priceless historical documents, some dating back over 200 years. These archives represent a window into the past, essential to understanding the complex history of Haiti, the world’s first black republic and the only nation to have a successful slave revolt. The arson that ravaged this institution therefore symbolizes an attack not only against the physical structures but also against the soul and collective memory of Haiti.

The Consequences of Obscurantism

These acts of terrorism, coupled with a desire for obscurantism, aim to plunge the country into ignorance and fear, hindering social progress and development. By burning schools and archives, gangs not only seek to intimidate the population; they also attempt to erase traces of Haiti’s past, thus compromising the educational and cultural future of future generations. This strategy of terror undermines the very foundations on which hope for a better, more just and enlightened Haiti rests.

Community Response

Faced with this barbarity, the reaction can only be one of resilience and determination. It is imperative for the Haitian community, both nationally and internationally, to mobilize to protect its heritage and ensure the continuity of education. This requires increased security of educational and cultural institutions, but also a reinforced commitment to justice and the reconstruction of the social fabric torn apart by violence.


The fire at the Collège Saint-Martial Minor Seminary must serve as a catalyst for collective awareness. It is in the darkest moments that light must be sought most ardently. The fight against terrorist and arsonist gangs, as well as against the forces of obscurantism, is above all a fight for the future of Haiti. It requires an unwavering commitment to the values ​​of education, culture and memory which constitute the true foundation of the Haitian nation.

By safeguarding its educational and cultural heritage, Haiti will not only be able to resist the onslaught of obscurantism but also open the way to a future where education and knowledge triumph over violence and ignorance. It is through investment in these crucial areas that Haiti can aspire to a renaissance, honoring its past while building a promising future for all its citizens.