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Dr. Berg P. Hyacinthe | Haiti: Scandal surrounding the inappropriate use of national coats of arms

  • April 2, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 38

The approach in support of the Court of Cassation is distinct from the actions of activist André Michel.

The unfair and abusive use of the coat of arms of the Republic of Haiti: Desperate act of self-disqualification of all members of the so-called presidential “College” as well as the structures of which they are representatives

By improperly resorting to the coat of arms of the Republic, the remaining symbol of the heritage of the heroes of Haiti’s independence, the individuals hiding behind this so-called fictitious, imaginary and unfounded presidential “College” do not deserve no place at the negotiating table for the Haitian people. They betrayed the heroes who paved the way for the liberation of all black people from slavery. This is a shameful act, a sacrilege leading to their effective disqualification from the sphere of power in Haiti.

It is undeniable that the “actors” of this new Hollywood saga have exhausted their last resource by publishing this shocking press release dated March 27, 2024.

They released this press release at the last minute with the aim of deliberately deceiving the vigilance of the defenders of the Haitian people, in total ignorance of the laws governing the Haitian public service: it is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

It is necessary to emphasize that the approach in favor of the Court of Cassation has nothing to do with the maneuvers of André Michel. The latter, leader of the manipulated manipulators, the notorious “barricader”, is now engaged in a campaign of psychological manipulation against the Haitian people, with the obvious complicity of the American Department of State: a policy which manifests itself in unfailing support and suspect to ex-prime minister Ariel Henry (after having played the same role against Jovenel Moise, a role formerly assumed by rebel leader Guy Philippe against Jean-Bertrand Aristide).

Furthermore, the recent directives of the former American ambassador to Haiti, Mrs. Pamela White, are in no way detached from the policy of the American Department of State in favor of armed bands, because they extend the action of another American diplomat, Madame Helen LaLime. The latter is officially and confirmed as being the coordinator of the said armed bands (as confirmed by the UN report).

The armed gangs are now acting according to clear instructions given publicly by these American diplomats: they are inciting the destruction of the country’s critical infrastructure in order to justify a disguised occupation.

Yes ! The Haiti State University Hospital was handed over to the bandits, following the explicit directives of Pamela White.

Obviously, the Haitian people have been betrayed and all the political structures signatories to this Jamaican agreement have self-eliminated, through blatant ignorance of the laws of the Republic and due to their dangerous incompetence in the management of public administration. Haitian in times of crisis.