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Violent gang attack against the building housing the Petit Séminaire Colge Saint Martial

  • April 3, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 36

Violent gang attack against the building housing the Collège Saint Martial Minor Seminary in Port-au-Prince.

Gangs continue to “Viv Ansanm” to sow terror in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince. Armed individuals attacked on April 1, 2024 the premises of the Petit Séminaire Collège Saint Martial, an educational establishment located in the heart of the Haitian capital for years. During this attack which lasted more than six hours, the thugs burned four cars and looted the entire compound before leaving. In a press release signed by the provincial superior, Father Raynold Joseph deplores these dishonest acts of these gangs.

“We are in desolation, and concern remains great in the face of the continued deterioration of the situation in the country,” we can read in the press release signed by the provincial superior, Father Raynold Joseph, who deplores these dishonest acts of these gangs.

According to available information, the gangs appeared around 5 o’clock in the afternoon and began burning and looting after neutralizing the two guards who monitor this educational establishment which has trained several major figures in Haitian society.

During this attack, there were four priests present as well as four employees who fled to avoid the violence of these armed gangs.
Calls to attract the attention of the police authorities were in vain, the police were at that time confronting armed gangs in the area of ​​the Champ de Mars.

Furthermore, no injuries were reported at the Petit Séminaire Collège Saint Martial but the press release specifies that “the material damage is considerable: four cars burned, the others vandalized, the administration of the College burned, the Procure looted as well as the residence community and school premises: refrigerators, solar panels, batteries, inverters, water purification system, mattresses, computer and electronic equipment… taken away.

However, Raynold Joseph fears that armed individuals will invade the space again. “It is likely that other intrusions will take place in the coming hours or days if the school, by one means or another, is not secure,” he stressed.

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