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Why Garry Conille?

  • May 16, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 25

This question was asked to me the day before yesterday because I produced a text around an infernal machine which was set up against Garry Conille particularly on social networks.
Because I suppose that more than one person has the same question, I told myself to take advantage of this paper to say why it is my choice.

Indeed, in 2003, I worked briefly with Dr Conille on a project for a program for young people but for reasons beyond our control, we were unable to broadcast it. This work experience continued as part of the development of its general policy declaration in 2011 where I was responsible for drafting the Culture, Tourism and Creative Industries section.

I remember as if it were yesterday, the discussion we had that day when I presented the work to him “The culture page is perfect and suits me in relation to the issues of the day, let’s quickly do an adjustment in the tourism and creative industries aspect,” he told me enthusiastically. Helped by Andy Durosier and Jean Voltaire, we finalized the document in less than two hours. But what fascinated me was his transversal side where he insisted on an integrated approach in the design and development of all Public Policies to be adopted in his government.

But hey, we know the rest, less than four months, he was forced to resign because he didn’t want to and in fact didn’t sign the resolution that had been imposed on him.

Today, we must give hope to young people, we really need to change the paradigm in the management of the State, it is always around these approaches that we discuss every time we have the chance to reflect on the country.

The challenges are enormous, we need a plan, the know-how to do and get things done in the sense of Mintzberg in relation to the main qualities of the Manager which are the roles of figurehead, leader, liaison, monitor, broadcaster , spokesperson, negotiator, disruption manager, entrepreneur and resource allocator (Mintzberg 2009).

1804 belongs to humanity, if we had started in 1986, we would have been very far away today (Pierre 2022). How much time have we wasted, it’s time to start.

1. Mintzberg, H. (2009).
2. Pierre, A. (Discussion around his book Sociology of corruption in Haiti)

Yves LafortuneMAP, Av.
Doctoral student in Public Policy.
