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Hati-Socit: The Jn Yo La project launches a social communication campaign to promote the political participation of young people and women

  • May 20, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 20

P-au-P, 20 from 2024 [AlterPresse]— Promote a peaceful and stable environment to ensure the protection, inclusive representation of young people, women in particular, and the prevention of electoral violence: this is the main objective of a social communication campaign on the political participation of young people and the integration of women in political life, launched on Friday May 17, 2024, observed the online agency AlterPresse.

Launched around the slogan The youth and women are in the fight for proper democracy in Haitithis campaign will be carried out during the period from May to July 2024, says Pierre Antoine Chérilin, project communications manager. The youth are there.

The initiators of this campaign intend to advocate for strengthening young people’s confidence in the democratic system and their ability to influence public policies in geographic departments, encouraging those from rural and urban areas to invest in political life and public management, in 2024.

It will also be a question, during this campaign, of raising awareness among actors for the integration of young people into the consultation processes for the development of electoral provisions, developing better awareness, among this social category, of their rights and responsibilities for a democratic state.

This campaign also aims to raise awareness among actresses and actors against all forms of violence against women and girls, and promote their full participation in all directive and decision-making functions in Haiti, insists Pierre Antoine Chérilin.

It is necessary to advocate for the promotion of values ​​linked to equality between women and men, to raise awareness among the media and citizens against the harmful effects of the exclusion of women, such as the non-participation of young people and women in electoral processes in Haiti.

This social communication campaign targets young people in civil society organizations, the Haitian National Police (Pnh), the Provisional Electoral Council (Cep), women’s structures, media and journalists, political parties, candidates , voters, the population of the municipalities affected by the project The youth are there.

“This campaign is part of the orientation of the Médilaternatif Group (Gm) advocating social inclusion through social communication,” indicated the coordinator of the Médilaternatif Group, Gotson Pierre.

“No category of society must be sidelined if we want to move towards sustainable development,” he maintains, deploring the sidelining of young people and women in decision-making spaces.

We must put an end to the marginalization of young people, particularly women, in decision-making bodies.

This is also the meaning of this communication campaign, underlines Gotson Pierre.

For his part, the coordinator of the Haitian Youth Observatory (Ojh), Stanley Augustin, emphasizes the importance of this social communication campaign, which constitutes another step in the implementation of the project Young people are there.

“We want to reach more young people and more young women, to allow them to become more involved in political life in Haiti,” he said.

The elections are being prepared. It is a process that requires awareness and participation of young people for a more inclusive society, notes Stanley Augustin.

The Haitian Youth Observatory calls on young people to be part of this dynamic, to better prepare for their future.

Communities in three geographic departments of the country (West, Central Plateau and Artibonite) are the targets of this social communication campaign.

This social communication campaign will be concretely carried out using audio, audiovisual and graphic materials, to encourage the dissemination of appropriate messages in various channels and networks: local radio stations and national coverage, social networks, public displays and website.

This campaign is initiated by the project Young People Are There (young people are here), piloted by the consortium led by the Italian non-governmental organization (NGO) ProgettoMondo, the Médialternatif Group (Gm) and the Haitian Youth Observatory (Ojh). [ppsf emb rc apr 20/05/2024 09:50]