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Making love three times a week makes women more beautiful and younger than their biological age

  • May 28, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 25

Regular sex, the secret of beauty and eternal youth for women.

According to research by David Weeks, a British clinical psychology consultant, couples who have sex three times a week will look 10 years younger than their biological age. Indeed, sexual intercourse releases the hormone serotonin, which regulates mood to promote happiness.

The work of the hormone serotonin increases during sexual intercourse. High serotonin can trigger the release of chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine, reducing stress and anxiety, the specialist said. However, stress and anxiety are among the factors that make the face less radiant and the skin look older. When producing serotonin during sex, the body automatically works from the inside to improve the general condition.

Besides, regular sex can also balance hormones. Balanced levels of estrogen and testosterone help keep the face acne-free. Even when acne appears, sex can help fight inflammation and infection caused by acne bacteria lodged in clogged pores. So the facial appearance can be glowing and smooth without stubborn acne.

Other benefits of regular sex include increasing antibodies, thereby maintaining the immune system. If the body is healthy, the sexual act becomes more comfortable and enjoyable, allowing you and your partner to satisfy each other.

So, don’t underestimate the benefits of sex for the body. Having a healthy and active sex life with your partner is an easy and enjoyable tip to look beautiful, glowing and youthful.

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