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Haiti | MMSS Gangsterism is a form of terrorism, assures Foreign Minister Knyan interviewed by The Star

  • May 30, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 36

Musalia Mudavadi, First Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, affirmed that Kenya would remain committed to helping Haiti emerge from the political and socio-economic turmoil.

In an interview with the Star, Musalia Mudavadi said that although Haiti is 12,000 kilometers away, the violence in the Caribbean country has spillover effects into Kenya and other distant countries.

He said Kenyans should not think that the lawless state in Haiti has no implications for them.

« Gangsterism is a very serious thing. It is a form of terrorism. When gangs are allowed to operate, the narcotics trade thrives and drugs are transported to countries many miles away“, he explained.

Mudavadi added that Kenyans should also remember that other countries are sending officers to Haiti.

“Kenya is not alone in this matter. Other countries are also assisting the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti,” he said.

He said several other countries have also promised to send police officers, including Benin, Bahamas, Jamaica, Guyana, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Bangladesh and Chad.

Mudavadi also highlighted that Kenya has participated in 47 peacekeeping missions across the world.

“We have been to Liberia, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, Bosnia, Ethiopia, East Timor and many other countries. So going to Haiti should not raise eyebrows,” he said.

source: The Star Violence in Haiti has consequences for Kenya – Mudavadi (