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Politics: Fritz Dorvilier very optimistic about the choice of Dr Garry Conille

  • May 31, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 26

Mr. Fritz Dorvilier, specialist in international relations, says he is optimistic about the appointment of Prime Minister Gary Conille who, according to him, has in-depth knowledge of the workings of the United Nations institutions, which represents a major asset. He maintains that the UN system holds precise data on the situation in Haiti, which could prove crucial for the management of current crises.

Mr. Dorvilier urges Haitians to recognize that their country is in fact under international supervision, stressing that the international community plays an essential role in providing the necessary care to Haiti. According to him, this reality must be accepted in order to move towards lasting stabilization. Mr. Conille, through his independence from the business sector and the traditional political class often in collusion with gangs, would have a free hand to address the security challenges essential to the organization of elections.

In conclusion, Mr. Dorvilier considers the choice of Mr. Conille to be rational and based on his skills and experience at the top of the Haitian state. He recalls that Mr. Conille has been an advisor to African heads of state, which testifies to his ability to manage complex situations. “If someone of this stature, with such in-depth knowledge of Haiti’s major issues, cannot rectify the situation, it is because the country is truly in danger,” he concluded.

Mackenson PHANOR

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