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Heart – Mission Kenya : Amnesty International proccupe

  • June 7, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 27

Haiti – Kenya Mission: Amnesty International concerned
07/06/2024 10:02:30

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, in a statement Amnesty International raised urgent concerns about the lack of transparency regarding the establishment of human rights guarantees for the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) in Haiti, which should be deployed soon.

“It is imperative to ensure that any action taken by this multinational mission, led by Kenya and supported by the United States and other countries, is strictly in accordance with international human rights law, as required by the United Nations Security Council […] said Ana Piquer, Americas Director at Amnesty International.

Despite the clear transparency requirements contained in UN Security Council Resolution 2699 (2023) authorizing the mission, so that participating Member States meet the highest standards of transparency, information is still missing detailed public information on the rules, procedures, structure, and accountability mechanisms relating to human rights, particularly in cases of sexual exploitation and abuse.

“In addition to the assessment procedures to which they must undergo, mission personnel should receive comprehensive training, pre-deployment and in the field, on the fundamental principles of the United Nations, human rights law, prevention sexual exploitation and abuse, protection of civilians and protection of children. It is also essential that an independent mechanism be in place to receive complaints, investigate all allegations of human rights violations, adjudicate on reparations and refer certain individual cases to a Haitian civil court, or any jurisdiction in a country. providing personnel, for investigation purposes and, where appropriate, for the initiation of prosecutions,” said Ana Piquer.

Amnesty International considers that the participation of Haitian organizations, particularly feminist organizations, in this process is crucial. The collective memory of civil society and knowledge of certain sequences of actions, which often led to abuses and other wrongdoing, must be taken into account throughout the process of defining and implementing human rights guarantees for MMAS.

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