
Interview after match Saint Lucia vs Haiti: The reactions of Sébastien Migné

By: Kenia Clergy

The coach of the Grenadiers, Sébastien Migné, expressed his feelings yesterday at the microphone of the FHF media after the meeting between Haiti and Saint Lucia.

_ »That tells me that I take the 3 points. Certainly that puts us mathematically well in the competition knowing that there will only be 4 matches, obviously we must not waste these 3 points, I will remember the reaction of my team in the second half, there were pitfalls throughout the match . Having possession, being caught on the counter-attack, unfortunately that’s what we suffered in the second half. But the boys did not give up, they remained united and they took into account the corrections we made at half-time”_ to declare the coach.

Difficult to do better compared to what Migné declared; that the selection has been unbalanced for almost 3 or 4 years and that we are in a process of revitalization.

However, he remains confident for the next match against Barbados this Sunday, June 9, and these 6 points will be necessary for the continuation of the qualification for the next stages of these qualifiers.