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Haiti: Jean Michel Lapin shed crocodile tears again during a television mission

  • June 6, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 11

After bursting into tears on March 4, 2020, handing over the keys of the Prime Minister to Jouthe Joseph, former Prime Minister Jean Michel Lapin did it again. Indeed, the former collaborator of Jovenel Moïse who participated on Thursday June 6, 2024 , on the show “Salon des Invités”, on the online platforms of Vant Bèf Info, cried again while answering questions from the hosts on the privileges he enjoyed during the 32 years spent in the public service.

THE HAITI FACTOR, June 6, 2024._Former Prime Minister ai, also former Minister of Culture and Communication Jean Michel Lapin was invited on Thursday June 6, 2024, to the show “Salon des Invités”.

It was a question of discussing the formation of the next Government and the future of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT).

However, questions that shed light on his past and that of other figures within the civil service have touched the former Prime Minister ai’s sensibilities and caused him to shed crocodile tears on two occasions.

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Former Prime Minister Jean Michel Lapin in tears during a television broadcast

The first mine was perceived when answering the question relating to the perception that Haitian politicians are “enjoyers”. However, he says he recognizes that a lot of bad things are happening in the state in general.

« Sometimes there is a minister who is responsible for all of this, but other times, these actions result from the minister’s ignorance of the system.”said Jean Michel Lapin.

To defend himself or at least to distance himself from this perception and the accusations of corruption made against him, the former Prime Minister boasted of himself as a pure and spotless man who had an impeccable passage within the State. According to him, his detractors are in bad faith. He presented himself as victims of them.

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Jean Michel Lapin former Haitian Prime Minister Photo Prime Minister

And the second question that stung the former minister’s nerves alluded to the sweet and juicy privileges that he had enjoyed during his 32-year career in the service of Haiti, going from simple messenger to Prime Minister.

« No, power is not sweet. When you are using power from your responsibilities, it is very boring. Me, I go through a lot of bad times because I had a way of managing the responsibilities I had. This will allow me today, in parentheses, to say thank you [………..] he cried, crying.

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Jean Michel Lapin made his own

Jean Michel Lapin who was appointed interim Prime Minister on March 21, 2019 by former President Joveel Moïse, Jean-Michel Lapin was forced by the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies to give way on March 4, 2020 to Jouthe Joseph. On the day of the latter’s inauguration, his predecessor cried like a child.

“The time has come for me to say goodbye to the public service,” said Jean Michel Lapin with tears in his eyes.

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He mourned his departure from the Prime Ministers Office in March 2020

He took advantage of the inauguration of his successor to demand from the Haitian State what will rightfully be his in terms of salary arrears.


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Le Facteur Haiti