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Cap-Hatien: Speech by Djina Gillet Delatour as godmother of the Leon Walras 2019-2023 promotion of FD-SEG

  • June 9, 2024
  • 13 Min
  • 16

THE HAITI FACTOR, June 9, 2024._Promotion sponsor in Economic Sciences, Leon Walras 2019-2023 of FD-SEG, from Cap-Haitien, Djina Guillet Delatour, in a speech, addressed her godchildren. As a result, she was honored by the Management of the FD-SEG.


Dear Dean Mr. Jusner Nelson
Gentlemen Vice Deans respectively Mr. Gosner Paul and Fénélon Philomé
Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the deanship
Ladies and gentlemen of the faculty
Mr. Godfather Me Janvier Ketlin
Ladies and gentlemen in your rank, grade and quality
Dear relatives, friends and guests
Ladies and gentlemen of the spoken, television, written and online press
Dear godchildren

Ladies and gentlemen,
Yesterday while at the DGD wellness fair for a deep meditation in order to find inspiration to speak to you today, I was thinking about the following five (5) elements: Self-confidence, love for one’s community, dues to one’s community, hard work and perseverance.
I am carrying out this exercise in order to find something new and reassuring to say to you, because I consider everything that has already been said before me and especially in these difficult times.
It is not an easy exercise at this time to be among those waiting for a message of hope. Courage to all those who are part of this lot! Because the task is difficult.
Before going any further, I would like to congratulate the dean’s office which was able to do everything possible to achieve this result today. You and I are contemplating this concrete glory and generally admiring and enjoying the results without thinking of the sacrifices. I would like to remind you today that the builders of the future are still here, thank you for thinking of them. Hats off to you, dear managers. It’s like this speech that I read to you in 10 minutes, but which consumed several hours of my schedule.
Just before moving on to the five elements that we will quickly see, I ask everyone here to applaud our brave parents who are present in the room. Thank you ! I say thank you on behalf of all the Haitians suffering in this country in the midst of chaos, because you still believe in education and in the future despite these dark times that we are all experiencing. It’s a positive, comforting note.
Dear godchildren in economic sciences from the 2019-2023 class, Leon Walras, I feel really flattered to accompany you on this very important day.

Let’s come back to our 5 points:
Which is a perception of oneself, it helps us to make realistic choices. The word choice is the central point that led me to talk about self-confidence today. According to findings related to the assessment of the situation in Haiti currently. If you had not chosen to stay and live in Cap-Haitien, you would not be recipients in Port-au-Prince right now. So choice determines the direction of your life. “Se pou sa m vle di nou jodi a. Chwa nou fè a, kwè nan li epi nap avanse”. It is confidence in your ability, not to mention self-esteem, that will open all the great doors to you in the entire world. By the way, I would like to say to the departments that are living in peace at the moment like the North, “Hold on tight to what you have, so that no one takes it from you. » “Paske lapè pa achte nan mache”
2- Love for your community:
love for one’s community starts from love for oneself and those close to one. Therefore, when you have a loving heart, you will never be mixed with hatred, because your heart is indivisible. Don’t be fooled by people who say they share love and hate at the same time. We can love, at the same time, we chat. But we cannot sow hatred and love at the same time. “Sa ki gen zorèy pou tande, tande”
3-The royalty towards its community,
You must realize that you are indebted to your community, because there is no man without territory. You do not exist without your origin. Therefore, you must remain attached to your community. It is this attachment that will boost you to participate selflessly in the life of your community. We have reached a point in our lives in Haiti where almost all of us are wondering. Is there not an error in our formulation as human beings? So the harvest is ripe for you to begin creating the new Haitian human being in you. “Ke sila yo ki konprann tou konprann epi lonje lamen bay lòt ki poko konprann anyen, paske wout la pap fasil.” Sa ki pa vle konprann, advance san yo, ya va jwenn nou pi devan. »

4-Hard work:
When I talk about work, it is not a question of finding a job with Mr. Man does not live by bread alone. The life of the human being is deeper than all this. I’m not here to teach you concepts you already know, but to remind you that hard work will lead you to success. It depends on the investment you are going to make in yourself to guarantee yourself a better future. Invest ! Invest ! Invest ! “Nou tout ki pral simen, pral gen pour nous rekolte. » “Ou pap ka rekolte sa w pa simen.” La vi telman gen rev, si wa l eseye rekolte sa w pa simen lap gen gro konsekans. Se prensip lavi!
5- Perseverance / Consistency:
perseverance is the act of continuing to act, despite obstacles. Life is full of obstacles, this is what will help you shape your character and face the future. The future is unknown territory, but it can be prepared and this preparation depends on everything you have experienced. Today, we face enormous weaknesses: structural, organizational, political, etc. in the country; the problem is very complex, I do not disagree with it, but I assure you that the solution is available and it is in each of us. We just have to become aware of our values, to esteem ourselves well, to love our community, to do the right thing, to continue working while remaining consistent.
We are at a phase where demographically, we are very privileged to have almost 60% young people in our population. We must become aware of this precious mine that we have in our hands.
We need to agree that we are in this together and the solution is in, not in anyone else.

I cannot end without saluting the Capois desire to move forward with their heads held high despite the difficulties in Haiti. Because in the space of two years, I have witnessed three great promotions full of young people dedicated to transforming their destiny.
In the name of your exemplary economist, Leon Walras, let us prioritize balance, this prioritization must pass through currents of thought.
Let’s get to work because the secret is in THOUGHT, ACTION AND SUCCESS.
Let’s repeat together: WE THINK, WE ACT AND WE SUCCEED!

Long live Education
Long live the University
Long live peace
Long live love
Long live the community
Long live hard work
Long live perseverance


Thank you for your attention !

Cap-Haitien, June 2, 202


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Le Facteur Haiti