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Haiti: 2 national police officers killed, another killed and another injured in San Fil, Ptoprens

  • June 9, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 40

Port-au-Prince, June 9, 2024 [AlterPresse] — Bandits with guns killed national policemen of the 30th promotion Emelin Fermetus and Peterson Clovis of the 32nd promotion, on Sunday, June 9, 2024, in the San Fil area, Port-au-Prince, according to information obtained by AlterPresse.

National policeman Wilkens Jean Junior Piton is missing in the gang attack with guns, which injured another national policeman and burned a police armored car.

These national policemen are inside the long-term anti-gang unit (Utag).

This is what the National Union of Haitian Policemen (Synapoha) reported on his X account.

For its part, the National Police Union of Haiti (Spnh-17) regrets that bandits and guns have killed again national policemen, who are in Utag, in Port-au-Prince.

There are several weapons and bullets of the police, which are in the hands of the bandits and the weapons after the attack on Sunday, June 9, 2024, according to what Spnh-17 writes on his X account.

The Haitian National Police Union took advantage of this serious situation, where national policemen are killed again, to demand the dismissal of the director general of the police, Frantz Elbe, and the rest of the team at the head of the national police.

There are several places on the Délma, which were under tension, because of the gunshots of gangs and guns, on Sunday, June 9, 2024. [emb rc apr 09/06/2024 20:00]