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The Montana Follow-up Office requests that the presidential council be published on April 3 in Le Moniteur

  • June 9, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 18

The Montana Agreement Monitoring Office requests that the presidential council meet with the sectors to publish the April 3 agreement in “Le Moniteur”.

In an open letter sent to members of the transitional presidential council on June 7, 2024, the Montana Agreement Follow-up Office (BSA) requests that members of the council meet with the sectors to publish the April 3 agreement, which is the compass of the transition, to allows the population to know where it stands in this transition, which fight this tool allows it to lead to enforce its demands.

In the letter signed by Magali Comeau Denis, Jacques Ted Saint Dic, Ginette Cherubin and others, the BSA said that 6 weeks after the installation of the council, it has not yet taken the road to honor the commitment it made together with the sectors before society a. Further, he denounced the council, saying that he was in league with the outgoing government, publishing a decree in which he deleted all references and consensus that put him where he is and chose to tie his umbilical cord with the power of December 21.

“Persisting in the logic of not publishing the Agreement is turning the transition into a savannah where the council does what it wants as it wants and prevents society from having a place to measure its actions. In this sense, the Agreement foresees the threshold for the members of the Council to put themselves in accordance with the law within a maximum of 30 days after their installation, as written in the Agreement and in the Law on the Declaration of Heritage” is what we can read in the letter the one

further, BSA announced that since May 25, like the entire population, he is waiting for the announcement that the members of the council have completed the formalities to put themselves in order and the law. However, the Montana Agreement Follow-up Office underlines while there are many rumors of corruption running on the embezzlement of the National Palace, on the money that would be given to certain candidates to the coordinator of the Council or the Prime Minister, it is important that this obligation is respected without delay for society to know what to do with the councilors who are not in the rule and allow the assessment of our assets to be clear when the councilors leave the office.

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