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June 10, 2019: assassination of journalist Rospide Ption Port-au-Prince

  • June 10, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 14

The ephemeris of the day: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresher of your memory.

It is Monday June 10, 2024

June 10, 2019: Assassination of Rospide Pétion. Journalist for the Radio San Fin (Rsf) station, Rospide Pétion was shot and killed near the Portail Léogâne (downtown Port-au-Prince) by unidentified armed individuals. His funeral was sung on July 6, 2010.

June 10, 1817: explosion of a powder magazine in Bel-Air
Many soldiers disappeared in this explosion which also destroyed many houses in the area.

June 10, 2012: 11 Haitian nationals died off the coast of the Bahamas after their boat sank. The craft which was heading towards Florida, United States of America, had 28 illegal Haitian nationals on board.

June 10, 2022: two buses, full of passengers, were hijacked, not far from Martissant, by the armed gang led by the name Izo.

June 10, 2017: three children, aged between 12 and 14, died and four other people were injured by a lightning strike in Saut d’Eau (Central Plateau), according to the Civil Protection Directorate. The young people were playing football in an uncovered area when they were struck by the phenomenon.

June 10, 2014: President Michel Martelly inaugurates, in Les Cayes, the hospital l’OFATMA and pediatric and maternity services at Immaculée Conception Hospital.

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Dimitry Charles