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Warning from the US Embassy in Kenya: Risks linked to violent protests in Nairobi against the Ruto Budget

  • June 18, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 13

The United States Embassy in Kenya has issued a warning to its nationals in the country due to ongoing protests against the 2024 Finance Bill.

In a statement released on June 18, the embassy warned its nationals against expected violence in parts of Nairobi and advised them to stay away from areas at risk of demonstrations.

“The organizers said the events should be peaceful. However, large public gatherings can become violent at any time. It is recommended to remain vigilant and aware of the circumstances, and to avoid large gatherings. Traffic disruptions are expected,” the statement said.

The US Embassy also advised its nationals to follow trusted local media and stay informed by following the latest news and updates.

They were also asked to avoid large gatherings or crowded areas to reduce the risk of being targeted, and to remain discreet so as not to attract unnecessary attention.

Additionally, Americans have been urged to have evacuation plans in place that do not rely on assistance from the U.S. government in the event of violence.

They are asked to let friends and family know that they are safe and to remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings at all times.

Other recommended security measures include reviewing personal security plans and always carrying valid identification, including a U.S. passport with a valid Kenyan visa.

Furthermore, citizens have been asked to remain vigilant in places frequented by tourists/foreigners and ensure that their travel records are up to date and easily accessible.

The directive comes after Kenyans took to the streets of Nairobi to protest against the proposed tax increase under the 2024 Finance Bill.

The protests, dubbed “Occupy Parliament,” aim to put pressure on lawmakers to dissuade them from passing the bill, which the House was scheduled to consider on Tuesday, June 18.

The bill faced opposition from various sectors, including politicians, religious leaders and the Kenyan population at large.

Police were deployed around the National Archives in central Nairobi, where protesters were expected to gather before marching to Parliament. As a result, the demonstration gave rise to numerous arrests of civilians, activists and journalists by the police.

Some journalists covering the #OccupyParliament protests were reportedly harassed by police, while others were injured after being hit by water cannons and tear gas.

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Rezo Nodwes