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Angina, cystitis: pharmacists authorized to deliver antibiotics without a prescription, how does it work?

  • June 19, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 13

Angina, urinary infections… It is not always easy to obtain treatment quickly to cure yourself. To facilitate access to antibiotics for everyday pathologies, pharmacists are now authorized to dispense them without a prescription. We’ll explain it to you.

No more need to go to the general practitioner to obtain a prescription for antibiotics in the case of infection urinaire or a angina. While pharmacists can prescribe all planned vaccines in the vaccination schedule since the beginning of August 2023, the government once again wanted to broaden their skills, by allowing them to prescribe certain types of medication.

In September 2023, Elisabeth Bornethen Prime Minister, announced that she wanted to facilitate access to antibiotics in the case of everyday illnesses, particularly for cystitis (urinary infections) and tonsillitis. It is now done: as indicated in a decree published in the Official Journal on June 18, 2024, pharmacists can now prescribe antibiotics against cystitis and angina.

The delivery of antibiotics in pharmacies possible in the event of a positive test

The first deliveries of these antibiotics in pharmacies should take place “within 15 days”, Philippe Besset, president of the Federation of Pharmacists of France (FSPF), told AFP. Before that, “Pharmacists will have to complete two training courses. They will have to register with the regional health agency to be authorized to provide these conditions.”he clarified to France Info.

Under what conditions can this prescription be carried out? This may concern patients aged 16 to 65 for cystitis and patients aged 10 and over for angina. But antibiotics can only be delivered in the event of a rapid diagnostic orientation test (TROD) for bacterial angina or cystitis. More precisely, Philippe Besset indicates that pharmacists will have to ask “two or three questions to include the patient in the program”. Next step: isolate yourself with the patient and pose “a series of questions which have been defined by the High Authority of Health to see if there are any particular problems which require addressing it to the doctor”. Then it’s time for the test, which, if positive, may result in the delivery of antibiotics against angina or cystitis. Pharmacists will be paid 15 euros if the test is positive and 10 euros if it is negative.

Sources :

  • Order of June 17, 2024 establishing the terms and conditions for dispensing medicines without a prescription after carrying out a rapid diagnostic test, the specific training methods for community pharmacists in this area and specifying the conditions for using a prescription. conditional dispensation – Official Journal – 06/18/24
  • Direct delivery of antibiotics: “There will be some pioneers in the days to come”, explains the president of the Federation of community pharmacists – France Info – 06/18/24

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Louise Ginies