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Pastor Gregory Toussaint reveals that $15 million was distributed in Haiti to promote the 2020 immoral penal code

  • June 19, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 13

Controversy surrounding the new Haitian Penal Code (audio): Pastor Grégory Toussaint denounces “immoral” articles and suspicious financing. Pastor Toussaint insisted on the fact that this Penal Code has never been revised since 2021 and that it contains elements unacceptable to Haitian society. He firmly requested that its publication, scheduled for June 24, be postponed again in order to allow substantial modifications, taking into account the recommendations made by men of the Church. “This Penal Code does not reflect Haitian values,” he declared with conviction.

also read: Flashback, July 26, 2020 – Video|Haiti: Thousands of Protestants in the streets to denounce the new penal code, deemed immoral – Rezo Nòdwès (

Miami, Wednesday June 19, 2024 ((–During his Wednesday evening sermon, Pastor Grégory Toussaint de Shekina strongly criticized the new Haitian Penal Code, describing some of its provisions as “immoral”. He revealed that $15 million was invested to try to pass this controversial project, developed under the administration of Jovenel Moïse,/Joseph Jouthe-Claude Joseph and rynald Luberice/Guichard Doré.

Suspicious financing behind the project

According to Pastor Toussaint who calls on his faithful to speak out against this anti-societal work, this massive funding comes from influential and wealthy people who seek to impose this text on Haitians. He expressed concerns about the origin and intentions of these funds, believing that the proposed Penal Code does not reflect Haitian values. “This is not a Haitian project, but a project supported by external interests to force unacceptable concepts into our society,” he said.

Controversial articles

The Pastor particularly criticized certain provisions of the Penal Code, notably those relating to sexual acts with animals. Article 301 states that “forcing a person to commit a sexual act with an animal is punishable by imprisonment of 5 to 10 years and a fine of 50 to 100,000 gourdes. » For Pastor Toussaint, this text suggests that non-forced sexual acts with animals could be tolerated, which is unacceptable for Haitian society.

Call for reform and postponement of publication

Since 2021, objections have been raised against this Penal Code. Pastor Toussaint recalled that more than 5,000 people had signed a petition on this subject, which had pushed President Jovenel Moïse to react. Consultations took place, but according to the Pastor, the requested modifications were not sufficiently taken into account.

He insisted on the need to once again postpone the publication of this text, scheduled for June 24, in order to make all the necessary modifications in accordance with the recommendations of men of the Church and members of civil society. “This text, under no circumstances, should be published as is,” he insisted.

A context of legal battles

Pastor Toussaint also recalled that the Haitian Penal Code has not been revised for 190 years, which makes some of its provisions obsolete in the face of current criminal realities. However, he believes that the current revision contains problematic elements that need to be rectified.

A plea for moral and ethical values

The Pastor concluded his sermon by praying for Haiti and calling for collective awareness of moral and ethical values. He urged the authorities to take into account the concerns expressed and to ensure that any revision of the Penal Code respects the norms and values ​​of Haitian society. “We are all in the hospital of the church and we all need the divine doctor to guide us towards just and moral laws,” he declared, eliciting the support of his audience.


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Rezo Nodwes