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Crisis: The Rndp political party calls to avoid compromising the new transition in Haiti

  • June 20, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 14

P-to-P, June 20, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The political party Rally of National Progressive Democrats (Rdnp) calls on the transitional authorities, in particular the new government, to take all necessary measures to avoid compromising the new start long awaited by the Haitian people, in a note including has taken note of the online agency AlterPresse.

“This new start risks being compromised if we do not carry out a thorough review of our actions,” warns the Rddnp political party, in this note bearing the signature of Wadner Edouard, president of the Rdnp interim commission.

“This transition must not be a time out, but a period of action in the face of a people in distress,” warns the Rdnp, hoping that the new government team will meet the challenges of the moment.

Proven skills and the mobilization of specialists, patriots, citizens of good will are essential to meet these challenges, he believes.

“The Haitian people face major challenges, including alarming insecurity in much of the capital. Our absolute priority is to find concrete solutions to alleviate the suffering of our population, who can no longer wait,” says the Rdnp political party, while welcoming the arrival of the new transition team at the head of state.

The Rdnp political party also questions the new measures that the transitional government intends to take to help the most deprived people in society, torn by hunger, and put an end to the impunity of those in power. .

“Public policies must aim to improve the lives of our fellow citizens. Over the past three decades, results have been disappointing due to poor governance practices.”

What about the elections?

The Rdnp political party declares that it is concerned about the capacity of the transitional government to organize good elections and to fight against the suffering of the population.

How can we organize elections without an inclusive political agreement?, he asks, doubting the composition of “this government which only brings together the coalition parties”.

The Rdnp political party points out how the lack of neutrality of the current government could compromise the confidence necessary for transparent and fair elections.

“Elections are the pillar of democracy. To be free and transparent, all parties must have the same chance of winning. Favoring certain parties and excluding others compromises, from the start, the integrity of the electoral process. We must prevent this transition from drifting towards autocratic authority.”

The Rdnp political party calls for the organization of a non-partisan and fair electoral competition for all, suggesting to the stakeholders, omnipresent in the transition, not to be judges and parties, in order to prevent disastrous consequences for the future. future.

The former de facto government of Ariel Henry spent more than 34 months (July 20, 2021 – June 12, 2024) in power, without being able to organize general elections in Haiti.

Transitional authorities promise to fight gangs

The president of the Presidential Transitional Council (Cpt), Edgar Leblanc Fils, swears to stop the criminal actions of armed gangs, who claim to be able to destroy Haitiduring a ceremony to award parchments to 455 police officers (50 police officers and 405 police officers) from specialized units of the Haitian National Police (Pnh), on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at the National Police Academy.

This ceremony reflects the desire of these new graduates to fight to the end against armed gangs wherever they are, declares the Cpt, in a speech for the occasion.

Edgar Leblanc Fils guarantees that the Cpt, in collaboration with the transitional government, will put all the specialized units of the police institution in appropriate material and psychological conditions, enabling them to fight armed gangs, dismantle them and to promote the free movement of people across the country.

Coming mainly from the 33rd promotion of the Pnh, these 50 police officers and 405 national police officers benefited from 12 weeks of specialized training, allowing them to integrate the specialized forces of the police institution, in particular the Departmental Police Maintenance Unit. order (Udmo), the Intervention and Maintenance of Order Corps (Cimo), the Temporary Anti-Gang Unit (Utag), the Border Police (Polifront).

“You need to know that you are not alone. You are the hope of the population at this crucial moment in its history. We appreciate your immense efforts, your sacrifices and the loyal services rendered to the Haitian population,” said Prime Minister Garry Conille, during his intervention at the ceremony of handing over parchments to the 455 police officers of the specialized units of the Pnh .

“Together, we will reclaim our cities and our public spaces and ensure the free movement of lives and goods,” continues Garry Conille.

While renewing his government’s commitment to supporting the Pnh, Conille salutes the sense of sacrifice and duty of the police officers engaged in the battle, with a view to restoring order and peace. [emb rc apr 20/06/2024 13:45]