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Gut Health: These Symptoms You Should Report to Your Doctor, According to This Gastroenterologist

  • June 26, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 7

Intestinal health is a question that concerns many French people. Indeed, according to an Opinionway barometer survey for Dijo called “the French and stomach health”85% of respondents say they suffer from stomach pain, including 36% at least one day each month. Whether due to intestinal problems, severe pain or even following a large meal, it is therefore not uncommon to suffer from stomach aches.

While these symptoms may be harmless, in some cases, medical consultation may be necessary. So, when should you report them to your doctor? On the social network Instagram, Dr. Joseph Salhab, an American gastroenterologist also known under the pseudonym @thastronomiehdoc, shared a video to present the symptoms which, according to him, should be reported to a doctor. The doctor is used to sharing tips and advice for taking care of your health. Recently he listed Five Foods to Help Soothe Heartburn.

8 gastrointestinal symptoms to report to a healthcare professional, according to this doctor

If you don’t feel comfortable talking about your digestive disorders with your doctor, Dr. Joseph Salhab reminds that “you can talk to your doctor about anything, including your stools and your digestive problems, and the latter to emphasize thatyou never know if it could be a serious problem requiring further investigation”.

The specialist indicates that these symptoms may lead to a consultation with a gastroenterologist in order to make a diagnosis and implement appropriate follow-up.

Here is the list of symptoms which should lead to a consultation according to this gastroenterologist:

  • unintentional weight loss;
  • blood in the stools;
  • new symptoms of acid reflux after age 50;
  • persistent vomiting;
  • the feeling of having food stuck in the chest;
  • unexplained anemia;
  • painful swallowing;
  • vomiting with traces of blood.

Sources :

  • Dr Joseph Salhab – @thestomachdoc – Instagram (26/06/2024)
  • Stomach ache: what to do and when to consult? – Health Insurance
  • Opinionway barometer for Dijo baptized “the French and stomach health”
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Louis Tardy