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Former National Palace contract workers ordered to return materials made available to them

  • June 26, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 9

Former contract workers and agents of the National Palace Office are ordered to return the goods and materials made available to them

Through a note dated June 25, 2024, the Secretariat of the Presidency summoned all former contract workers and civil service agents of the National Palace to return to the institution the goods and materials made available to them in the context of the accomplishment of their tasks. This approach is part of the preparation of the inventory of the material resources of the National Palace.

The note underlines that those concerned have until Monday July 1, 2024 to return to the Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs all materials and equipment, in particular vehicles in their possession.

“If they fail to comply, the Presidency reserves the right to use all legal means to force them to comply with the provisions of this note”.

Former National Palace contract workers ordered to return materials made available to them

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