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Multinational Force: Canada will provide Haiti with additional funding of US$5.7 million

  • June 26, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 9

Through the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government of Justin Trudeau announced this Wednesday that it had made available an envelope of 5.7 million dollars to the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) in Haiti.

“Today, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, announced that Canada will contribute an additional $5.7 million to the United Nations Trust Fund for the MAS mission in Haiti. This funding is in addition to the $80.5 million in funding to the Trust Fund announced last February,” reads a press release from the Canadian government.

“This new funding will directly support the deployment of the Kenyan-led MAS mission. Furthermore, Canada is working with countries contributing to the MAS mission to provide training to deployed officers and establish mechanisms to prevent human rights violations, including sexual and gender-based violence. , the document continues.

The statement continued, Canada and Haiti have a long-standing and positive relationship, and Canada remains steadfast in its support for Haiti and its people. As the deployment of the Kenyan-led Multinational Security Support Mission (MAS) began yesterday, Canada continues to believe that the best solution to ensure security in Haiti is to support sustainable mechanisms to strengthen the Haitian National Police (HNP) and the security and justice sectors over the long term.

Naïka Eugene

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