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Hati – FLASH: Visit of PM Conille to the base of Kenyan police officers (Vido)

  • June 27, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 10

Haiti – FLASH: Visit of PM Conille to the Kenyan police base (Video)
27/06/2024 06:13:36

Wednesday, June 26 in the morning, the Prime Minister, Garry Conille, accompanied in particular by Me Carlos Hercule, Minister of Justice and Public Security and Rameau Normil, the new Director General of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) visited , the first contingent of Kenyan police officers at their base in Clercine. He wanted to show the solidarity and recognition of his Government and the Haitian people to the Multinational Mission led by Kenya.

In the presence of Monica Juma, the head of the Kenyan delegation, the Head of Government once again reiterated his firm will and determination to do everything possible, with the support of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti (MMSS) with a view to restoring peace and security in Haiti.

He thanked Kenya for having heard the call of the Haitians […] » affirming “This is a new beginning that has just been made. »

Conille promised that the Government would regain control of the entire territory house by house, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city (house by house, district by district and city by city) and announced that resources will be provided to the PNH in order to improve their operational capacities.

After his statement to the press, Conille, accompanied by Normil, Monica Juma and the Deputy Inspector General of Police, who will assume the coordination role from Nairobi -flash-400-kenyan-policiers-d-elites-fly-to-haiti.html visited the base and its installations away from cameras and journalists for the security of the installations.

Read also:

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