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June 27, 2014: Former President Leslie F. Manigat died

  • June 27, 2024
  • 4 Min
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The ephemeris of the day: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresher of your memory.

June 27, 2014. Death of Leslie F. Manigat, former president of Haiti:

Born August 16, 1930, Leslie Manigat, whose full name is Saint-Roc Leslie François Manigat, was an eminent professor of History. Far from the country, in exile, he became a politician. He returned to Haiti after the departure of Jean Claude Duvalier and ran for president.

The elections of January 17, 1988, although accused of massive fraud and bloodshed, brought renowned historian and political scientist Leslie Manigat to power on February 7, 1988. 133 days later, he was the victim of a coup of military state and took refuge in Santo Domingo. He was a candidate for president again in 2006 and lost to René Préval who obtained 51.21% of the votes while he only obtained 12.40%. While he already had prostate problems and problems with the digestive tract, Chikungunya fever ended his life. He died in Port au Prince on June 27 at the age of 83.

June 27, 1794: Toussaint-Louverture was informed of the abolition of slavery

After receiving the decree to abolish slavery passed on the previous February 4, in France, by the Convention, General Laveaux, Governor of Santo Domingo, immediately sent it to Toussaint-Louverture who received it 2nd of July.

June 27, 1902: Bombardment of Cap-Haïtien. – Admiral Killick, ally of Anténor Firmin opposing General Nord Alexis, bombards the town of Cap-Haïtien, while Firmin’s troops attack those of Nord Alexis. He emerges victorious from this confrontation.

June 27, 2007.- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched a million-dollar project to strengthen the microfinance sector in Haiti.

This project was carried out within the framework of the Financial Product Innovation Fund (FIPF). Its objective was to support new financial approaches and methodologies by promoting growth in productive sectors and meeting the needs of disadvantaged families.

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