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Meet Kapdi, the new darling of social networks

  • June 27, 2024
  • 11 Min
  • 8

Adored on social networks, Paul Edouard Jean Paul, known as the comedian “Kapèdi”, has established himself as the new darling of the web. From Facebook to TikTok, his videos, inspired by news stories, insecurity, politics, among others, arouse laughter and admiration in more than one person. With his rather original style, Kapèdi stands out for his ability to always surprise his audience, whether through a monologue, a dialogue or a short group sketch. He also has the ability to keep his fans hooked on his words, which are far from ribald or vulgarity but full of irony.

In an exclusive interview, comedian Paul Edouard Jean Paul, alias Scabiesspoke to Loop Haiti about his style, his inspiration and his future projects in the field of humor.

Loop: Tell us about yourself and how you got started with comedy?

Caperdia: I am Paul Edward Jean Paul, originally from the southeast of Haiti. I grew up in Côtes-de-Fer before continuing my secondary studies at Carrefour. At that time, a wave of insecurity began to plague the region, which pushed me to move to the Dominican Republic to continue my studies. Since my childhood, I have always had a passion for humor and comedy. However, my family didn’t always take it seriously and didn’t see it as a real career prospect. Despite this, I have always been very involved in the theater groups in my neighborhood and my school, where I was able to develop my comedic talent.

After my post-baccalaureate studies, I experienced several failures as an entrepreneur in 2019. That’s when I decided to dive back into comedy to overcome these difficulties and bring joy to people. others. Comedy has become my refuge, a way to escape and share moments of happiness with my audience.

The year 2020 was marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, which disrupted our lives and our habits. Taking advantage of this moment to bring a little lightness and entertainment, I created the troupe “Eklari” and produced a series called “Lanmou an Karantèn” in two seasons. The first season has 40 episodes, while the second has 36. Since then, I haven’t stopped and this year, I’m even more determined.

Humor has always been an essential part of my life, allowing me to get through the darkest times and maintain hope. It is this passion for comedy and the desire to share this love for humor with my audience that drives and motivates me on a daily basis.

Loop: How would you describe your style of humor and what sets you apart from others?

Caperdia: My humor is based on subtle observation, irony and highlighting the absurdities of life through comic situations. I write the dialogues and design the sketches. I believe I have this ability to adapt to different performance styles and embody varied characters, which allows me to maintain a certain authenticity. Audiences often highlight my versatility in acting, theater, monologue and one-man show. I believe this ability is a gift from the creator.

Loop: How do you choose the topics or themes for your videos?

Caperdia: I am very sensitive to my daily life, my environment and society in general. My passion allows me to be inspired by anything and everything at any time. This keen sensitivity allows me to find ideas and topics of interest quickly, because my mind is constantly alert and ready to seize opportunities. Being the comedian of the family since I was little has allowed me to develop a keen sense of humor and to understand the importance of humor in our way of facing life’s difficulties. For me, laughing is a way of putting situations into perspective, making them more bearable and even transforming them into moments of sharing. So, above all, I take pleasure in sharing joy and laughter.

Loop: What is your approach to interacting with your audience on social media?

Caperdia: As an industrial engineer and entrepreneur, time management is crucial to me. Despite a busy schedule, comedy remains a passion that is close to my heart. In order to reconcile these two aspects of my life, this year I put in place a rigorous organization which allows me to regularly produce humorous content. The result is paying off in my opinion. Interacting with my fans and supporters is a priority. This is why I organize Lives to maintain a strong link with my community. In addition, with my team, we strive to answer all questions, as far as possible, in order to nourish this special relationship with my dear audience.

The appreciation, promotion and sharing of my work by the public are invaluable sources of motivation. I am grateful to my fans for their unwavering support, because it is thanks to them that my work finds its full meaning and scope. I sincerely want to thank them for their commitment and loyalty, without which none of this would be possible. And more than anything, I thank God for having such a beautiful experience.

Loop: What are the main challenges you face as a comedian on social media and how do you overcome them?

Caperdia: The challenge lies in the risk that the message is not always interpreted as it is intended. It is therefore crucial to adopt a cautious approach to avoid hurting the sensibilities of others. Sometimes feedback can be critical and biting, but it’s best to focus on the positive and motivating aspects. Another major difficulty is maintaining a steady pace of creating quality content.

Loop: What are your future plans or goals as a comedian?

Caperdia: The ambition is great and the projects are multiple. Share my humor internationally in different approaches to comedy, especially in cinema. Collaborate with other Haitian and foreign artists to create multicultural content and represent my country, thus becoming a reference in what I do. I am also attracted by large advertisements, representing certain commercial brands for example.

Loop : To finish, where does the nickname “Kapèdi” come from?

Caperdia: Laugh ! My comedian name “Kapèdi” comes from several occasions where I said something and people often responded to me “You are a lost case » (You are a lost case). After laughing, a lady really insisted on this word “You see, you are a good loser “. So I told myself that I had to keep this name. But rest assured Kapèdi will not lose! Laugh !

Michelet JOSEPH

Social communicator, Journalist

Phone: +1 613 558 9395

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Michelet Joseph