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Crisis: Canada provides additional $5.7 million to support the deployment of MMAS in Haiti

  • June 26, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 5

P-to-P, June 26, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The Government of Canada announces additional funding of 5.7 million Canadian dollars (Editor’s note: US $ 1.00=+ 140.00 gourdes; 1 euro=142.00 gourdes; 1 Canadian dollar=97.00 gourdes; 1 Dominican peso=2.40 gourdes today ‘today) to support the deployment of Multinational Security Support Mission (Mmas) in Haiti, in a press release dated June 26, 2024, which was read by the online agency AlterPresse.

This additional sum of 5.7 million Canadian dollars, which will be paid to the United Nations Trust Fund for the mission in Haiti, is in addition to the grant of 80.5 million dollars, announced in February 2024.

This new funding is expected to directly support the upcoming deployment of the multinational force, led by Kenya on the ground.

The Mmas began on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, with the Landing of a first contingent of 400 Kenyan police officers at Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince.

“I am pleased to announce this additional funding, which will help strengthen the Haitian National Police and, thereby, restore security in Haiti. I am also pleased that the deployment of the mission, led by Kenya, has begun. Because it constitutes an essential step in the restoration of peace and prosperity in the country.”

These were the words expressed by the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, this Wednesday, June 26, 2024, when announcing the additional funding of $5.7 million to the Special Trust Fund for United Nations for Mmas in Haiti.

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In addition to the $5.7 million announced, the Government of Canada recalls having previously allocated $12.5 million to support three projects, which will help strengthen the Pnh and improve security conditions for the civilian population in Haiti. .

These three projects are financed as part of an investment of 100 million Canadian dollars, intended for the police institution, which was announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in March 2023.

The Government of Canada says it is working with countries contributing to the mission to provide training to deployed officers and establish mechanisms to prevent human rights violations, including sexual and gender-based violence. .

“The best solution to ensure security in Haiti is to support sustainable mechanisms, aimed at strengthening the Haitian National Police (PNH) as well as the security and justice sectors in the long term,” Canada remains convinced.

The Canadian government says it is committed to working with Haiti and international partners to meet the most pressing needs of the Haitian population.

He renews his support for “good governance and long-term development”, which, he emphasizes, make it possible to tackle the root causes of fragility and insecurity, as well as efforts to strengthen the resilience of the Haitian population. [emb rc apr 26/06/2024 11:35]