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Prime Minister Garry Conille expresses his solidarity with France

  • July 15, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 1

Prime Minister Garry Conille has greeted the French people and expressed his solidarity with them on the occasion of the commemoration of the storming of the Bastille on July 14. In expressing his solidarity, Garry Conille underlines the historical ties and common aspirations of the two nations, recalling that the quest for justice and equality is a universal struggle.

In a tweet on his X account (formerly Twitter), he said: “July 14, 1789. The storming of the Bastille, in France. Beyond the festive celebration, this date recalls the fight of the French people for liberty, equality and fraternity. On behalf of the government and in my own name, I renew all the solidarity of the Haitian people with the French people who are still fighting to achieve their ideals.”

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