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Haitians unlikely to vote in upcoming elections, study finds

  • July 16, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 2

P-au-P., July 16, 2024 [AlterPresse] — A large majority of Haitians would be unlikely to vote in the next elections scheduled for the end of 2025, according to a study made public on July 15 in Port-au-Prince during a presentation attended by AlterPresse.

“Only 29% of those surveyed could vote in the next elections: 16% say they are likely to vote and 13% are certain to vote,” according to the survey conducted last January by the firm Policité.

“21% make their electoral participation conditional on the restoration of security in the country”, where gang violence has been raging for several years.

“Less than 2% of respondents have confidence in the way elections are conducted in the country. While 88.6% of all respondents believe that the way elections are traditionally organized in Haiti is bad.”

“Our goal is to provide authorities, political and international actors with essential information to better guide public policies and better prepare for the next elections, the foundation of democracy,” said Vens Rumbold, executive director of Policité, interviewed by AlterPresse.

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The results of this study also reveal points likely to weaken democracy and compromise the next elections in Haiti.

“49.84% of respondents indicate that they do not understand at all how the State works and only 32% can distinguish between the Court of Cassation and the High Council of the Judiciary.”

Security is the most urgent need identified by respondents (89%), followed by employment (72.49%) and access to health services (70.38%).

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The study was presented in the presence of Leslie Voltaire, member of the Presidential Transitional Council, as well as members of the government, various actors from the international community and civil society.

The CPT launched the process leading to the designation of the members of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP).

Correspondence has been sent by the Cpt to various structures to invite them to choose people to represent their sectors on the Council, which will be composed of 9 members. [apr 16/07/2024 08:00]