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World Youth Skills Day: Red Cross Youth Volunteers Join Forces with the Lorquet Foundation for a New Haiti

  • July 16, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 1

Volunteers from the Red Cross Youth together with the Lorquet Foundation for a New Haiti (FOLONHA) celebrated World Youth Skills Day on Monday, July 15, 2024 at the Haitian Red Cross premises in Maïs Gâté, Port-au-Prince.

On this occasion, an educational talk was held with the participation of several dozen young volunteers from the West Metropolitan Regional Committee (CROM) under the theme: “Skills for an inclusive and sustainable future”.

Edwing Charles, former Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action, Professor Arnold Antonin (Celesti Corbanèse), Doctor of Economics, Mr. Pradel Henriquez, University Professor and Specialist in Cultural Policy, Mr. Almiracle Saint-Fort, Manager and Entrepreneur and Mrs. Gertrude Séjour, Promoter of the Rights of Children, Women and People with Reduced Mobility, took turns discussing the importance of skills among young people for their personal and professional development with a view to actively participating in the advancement of their country.

World Youth Skills Day, celebrated annually on 15 July, is a United Nations initiative to raise awareness of the importance of skills development among young people and promote their engagement in the world of work. The day aims to recognise the challenges that young people face in education and employment and to promote solutions to help them develop essential skills for their future.

The National Coordinator of the Red Cross Youth, Mr. Clauderson Jean Charles indicated that “youth volunteers are agents of behavior change and reliable resources for the exercise of community engagement. This celebration of the World Youth Skills Day, is an activity for a useful exercise to their respective community aimed at encouraging young people to actively participate in learning and training activities.”

Present at the ceremony, the representative of the Lorquet Foundation, Mr. Watson Audibert indicated that “FOLONHA encourages young people to actively participate in these types of learning and training activities or simply knowledge sharing. Indeed, there is a point of convergence between the young volunteers of the Red Cross and us at the Lorquet Foundation who work as volunteers for the good of the Haitian community.”

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Rezo Nodwes