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A whirlwind devastates several localities in the commune of Bassin-Bleu

  • May 21, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 21

A whirlwind devastates several localities in the commune of Bassin-Bleu

Considerable damage in Fon Papay and Lasous

A whirlwind, resembling a tornado, devastated the localities of Fon Papay and Lasous in the commune of Bassin-Bleulocated in the North-West Department of Haiti.

This Tuesday, May 21, 2024, an unusual weather phenomenon hit the town of Bassin-Bleu early in the afternoon, causing considerable damage in a very short time. Several citizens were injured, the Juno7 editorial staff reported.

Rapid and unexpected destruction

Although short-lived, the whirlwind left a significant footprint of destruction. Residents in the area were caught off guard when the weather phenomenon suddenly erupted, blowing away the roofs of many homes and uprooting trees. Local plantations, crucial to the livelihood of families in this region, have not been spared.

Testimonies from residents

Videos circulating on social networks show some residents of Bassin-Bleu describing a scene of chaos when the whirlwind struck. “It was like the sky was falling”says an Internet user.

Need to improve warning systems

This event highlights the need to improve warning and preparedness systems for natural disasters in Haiti. The vulnerability of infrastructure and the lack of forecasting means accentuate the impacts of these extreme phenomena.

A reminder of the weather risks in Haiti

Tornadoes are relatively rare in Haiti, a country more often faced with hurricanes and tropical storms. However, this whirlwind serves as a reminder that the country is not exempt from this type of weather phenomena, which can occur with little notice and cause massive destruction.

A whirlwind devastates several localities in the commune of Bassin-Bleu

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