The American Government announced, on Wednesday July 28, 2024, the conviction of Jocelyn Dort, a Haitian national living in the state of Orlando. He received a 60-month prison sentence for helping the “400 Marozo” gang buy firearms in the United States.

A United States District Court judge sentenced Jocelyn Dort to three years of conditional release. The latter, who pleaded guilty on October 30, 2023, to conspiracy to violate the Export Reform Act and money laundering with the aim of promoting a specific illegal activity, had acted as a straw buyer for the armed group “400 marozos”.

According to the release, Mr. Dort purchased ten high-powered semi-automatic rifles from gun stores in the Orlando area for the benefit of the gang between September 18 and October 17, 2021. These weapons were transferred to the Caïd of the “400 marozo” Group, Germine Jolie who acted as supreme leader of this terrorist cell.

In total, no less than 24 firearms and hundreds of ammunition were sent to Haiti by Jocelyn Dort. All for the aforementioned group. The rifles acquired are intended for combat, reports the press release adding that one of them is used by the military against heavy equipment. Mr. Dort posed as a regular buyer when purchasing the weapons. The person concerned received several thousand US dollars to carry out this activity.

According to the document, Jocelyn Dort acted under the orders of Germine Jolie (number one in the gang), who was in prison in Haiti and who directed operations from his cell using an uncontrolled cell phone. Germine Jolie pleaded guilty on January 31 to arms trafficking conspiracy. The latter is awaiting his sentence which will be communicated on May 15 where he risks life imprisonment.