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American rice exported to Haiti contains substances that may increase the risk of cancer

  • February 24, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 28

A study from the University of Michigan reveals that American rice exported to Haiti contains unhealthy substances that can increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

In an article published this Saturday, February 24, 2024, the Reuters news agency reported a study by theMichigan University revealing that rice exports to the Haitian market contain unhealthy substances including arsenic, cadmium, heavy metals which can increase the risks of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. According to the study by the American university, the presence of these substances is twice as high in imported rice as in products grown in Haiti.

“U.S. rice exports to Haiti, which make up the bulk of the country’s staple food supply, contain unhealthy levels of arsenic and cadmium, heavy metals that can increase risks of cancer and heart disease , according to a recent study from the University of Michigan”wrote the Reuters agency.

According to the American university study cited by Reuters, average concentrations of arsenic and cadmium were nearly twice as high in imported rice as in products grown in Haiti, with some imported samples exceeding international limits. . “Almost all imported rice samples exceed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s recommendations for children’s consumption. The study did not assess toxin levels in other importing countries”pointed out Reuters.

The news agency also pointed out that Haiti is one of the main buyers of American rice alongside Mexico and Japan because of the cheap and affordable imports for buyers. Local options which are sometimes very expensive even though 90% of the rice imported by Haiti comes from the United States.

The University of Michigan researchers conducted the study in 2020 and found that the population consumed an average of 85 kg (187 lb) of rice per year, compared to 12 kg in the United States, putting young Haitians at particular risk of a much higher risk of developing associated health complications.

The report also mentioned the states of Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas as major exporters. The researchers indicated that the importation of American rice into Haiti is not only economically devastating for local farmers who struggle to sell their product on the domestic market, but also harmful in the long term for the health of Haitian consumers.

Faced with this situation which could worsen the health of the population, the Michigan University report calls for an ethical investigation into American rice exporters, followed by measures aimed at strengthening the Haitian agricultural sector while highlighting a ” urgent need “ to strengthen the country’s food safety regulations.

Photo: Ody Bien-Eugène | Juno7

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