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Appointment of Edgard Leblanc Fils as Chairman of the Council: Louis Grald Gilles has emptied his bag

  • May 4, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 28

Dr. Louis Gérald Gilles, Representative of the December 21 Agreement at the Presidential Transitional Council / Photo: MA

The designation of Edgard Leblanc Fils by the Indissoluble Majority Bloc (BMI) as president of the Transitional Presidential Council divides the members of the structure. After the complaints of Lesly Voltaire of Fanmi Lavalas on the airwaves of Méga radio, Louis Gérald Gilles, Representative of the December 21 Accord, for his part, emptied his bag on Friday May 3, 2024, on Magik9.

THE HAITI FACTOR, May 4, 2024._The election for the presidency of the Transition Council scheduled for Monday April 30, 2024, against all expectations, did not take place. The majority group formed of 4 structures after consultations, without going to a vote, appointed Edgard Leblanc Fils, President of the said Council.

In addition to the choice of the former Senator as Coordinator of the presidential structure, the Indissoluble Majority Bloc (BMI) had also proposed Fritz Bélizaire as the next Prime Minister of the Transitional Government. Choices which sparked waves of reactions among stakeholders as well as public opinion.

First, the architect Lesly Voltaire, Representative of the “Fanmi Lavalas” Party on the Council who dreams of becoming President, was the first of the Councilor-Presidents to lose his temper. A few hours after the “hold up” of his colleagues, he expressed his disagreement with the members of the majority group who, according to him, did not respect what was planned for the smooth running of the election for the post of President.

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Intervention by Edgard Leblanc Fils after his appointment as president of the Transitional Presidential Council © MA

Regarding the case of Fritz Bélizaire, Lesly Voltaire suggested that they violated the agreement initialed on April 3 which set the conditions for choosing the next head of Government.

The architect Lesly Voltaire is not the only one to raise concerns about what happened within the Council. Doctor Louis Gérald Gilles, Representative of the December 21 Agreement who responded on Friday to questions from Robenson Geffrard and Jean Daniel Senate, then laid everything bare.

“The real candidate for a month and a half was me, but I was forced to withdraw and give the position to Edgard Leblanc Fils. A decision that I took in pain and in frustration, but no sacrifice is too great to save the country,” said the former Senator.

Would the withdrawal of the candidacy of Doctor Louis Gérald Gilles from the race for the presidency of the Council be the result of beneficial negotiations in his favor? At the Magik9 microphone, the Doctor made things clear. He confirmed that he dreams of the country’s health system, but subsequently persisted and signed not having signed any agreement with Edgard Leblanc Fils to give way to him.

Dr. Louis Gérald Gilles, Representative of the December 21 Agreement at the Presidential Transitional Council / Photo: MA

This choice, he says, demonstrates his weakness for the country’s health system and he made it out of love and for the good of Haiti. “I have a love for public health, so I chose it,” he tried to justify.

As a former parliamentarian, he said he led negotiations for a month and a half in search of the 4th vote for the post of president. However, they lamented, at the last moment, the other group considered to be in the majority manages to convince Edgard Leblanc Fils to finally turn everything upside down, he laments to Panel Magik 9.

He said he recognized a procedural error in the process of appointing the President because it was not done as written in the April 3 Agreement. And this is why, he maintains, that this choice was an awkwardness of the majority group of which Louis Gérald Gilles is a member.

On the other hand, he encouraged his peers to work so as not to impose the dictatorship of the majority on others. He preferably invites them to work for the advancement of the Council.


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Le Facteur Haiti