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Ariel Henry says that he will continue to dialogue with all political leaders who choose not to join the movement of violence

  • February 8, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 48

Prime Minister Ariel Henry has announced that he will continue to dialogue with all leaders of political parties who choose not to join the violent movement.

Prime Minister Ariel Henry addressed the Haitian people yesterday, Wednesday, February 7. The head of the Primate said that since the problem of insecurity starts to be resolved, there will be elections because the main mission of a transitional government is to organize elections. He also congratulated the commanding forces who for him are providing good service and announced that his government will accompany them. The head of government said that he will continue to dialogue with all political party leaders who choose not to join the violent movement.

“I congratulate all political leaders who choose not to join the movement of violence. From tomorrow we will continue to dialogue with them, with civil society and the private sector to make together all the decisions that will allow us to get out of the crisis”, said Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

In the same address to the nation, Prime Minister Ariel Henry congratulated the police who are doing a good job, who are very brave and said that the power he leads will continue to accompany them. “I will take the opportunity to thank all the forces of our command, for their professionalism, for their bravery, for their courage, in the work they do day and night to provide security to the population. The government has made great efforts to give them more means and equipment. I congratulate them, and tell them, the Haitian people count on them. They prove that we have the ability to deliver results, and we will continue to work in this regard.”

The head of the Primate took the opportunity to talk about the foreign force. He said that the government is doing everything it can for the foreign mission to come quickly while underlining that the government is making a lot of effort to strengthen the intervention capacity of all legal security forces inside the country and reassure the Haitian people that they will see the results .

Many places inside the country have not stopped demanding the departure of the Haitian prime minister since the last few days. The head of the Primate asked people to be calm and announced that the government is working to restore normal activities and guarantee that the population will find peace, prosperity and development.

Ariel Henry invite the population to understand the mission of a transitional government is to create the conditions to organize elections. “Since the problem of insecurity has begun to be resolved, we will launch the electoral process to hand over power to the leaders of the Haitian people who will have to choose in proper elections.”

Ariel Henry says that he will continue to dialogue with all political leaders who choose not to join the movement of violence

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