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At least 4 police officers killed in an armed attack against the Bon-Repos sub-police station, Continue Reading

  • March 1, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 38

At least 4 police officers including an inspector were killed this Thursday, February 29, 2024 during an armed attack by the bandits of Canaan gang leader Jeff Gwo Lwa against the Bon Repos sub-police station, according to information confirmed by the National Union of Haitian police officers (SYNAPOHA).

According to the latest information, two police officers are among the victims. The police officers come from the 26th, 31st and 32nd promotions.

The Bon Repos sub-police station had been attacked by bandits from Canaan who recovered an armored vehicle. The gangs grouped under the new label “Vivre Emsemble” want to overthrow Ariel Henry from power. The Prime Minister says he wants to stay in power until 2026.

During this day of violence claimed by the leader of the G9 gang federation, 3 planes were also hit by projectiles, a police officer injured and at the two airports, 23 bullet holes noted, according to a police source.

Following shootings at Toussaint Louverture airport, international and domestic flights were canceled.

According to videos that have gone viral on social networks, employees and travelers had to lie on the ground to escape the deadly bullets during this attack. Bullets even reached the edge of the waiting room at Guy Malary airport and Toussaint Louverture airport. The students of Saint Martial college were afraid to leave their skin in the city center.

Almost all the large municipalities in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince woke up under tension this Thursday, February 29.

The Portail Leogane sub-police station was partially burned. Cars in the courtyard of the premises were also set on fire by the bandits. Police officers were at the sub-station at the time of the attack.

By: Daniel Zéphyr

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Gazette Haiti