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Brain health: here are the changes that take place in the brain after 50, according to experts

  • February 2, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 48

“It is clearly established that there is an inverse association between age and cognitive performance” according to Inserm. Indeed, from the age of fifty, the brain begins to lose its cognitive abilities. But then what are the repercussions of brain aging on these capacities? In an interview given to the British media HuffPost UKDr Dylan Wint, neurologist and neuropsychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic and Dr Dale Bredesen, neuroscience researcher at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute (United States) spoke on the impact of aging on brain health.

What are the consequences of aging on the brain?

Since you turned fifty, has your brain seemed less reactive? This may be due to changes cognitive that occur as we age. Indeed, as Dr Dylan Wint explains, from the age of fifty, “the cortex, which corresponds to the outer layer of the brain, becomes thinner and the myelin sheath surrounding the neuron fibers can begin to degrade. In addition, the receptors no longer fire as quickly”. This is why changes in cognitive functions can be felt from the age of 50. Thus, remembering names and dates may become more complicated, just as the speed of processing information may be slower and the skill of spatial orientation may decrease. “A phenomenon which tends to continue over the following decades” according to the expert. Neurologist Dylan Wint also points out that other aspects of cognition, such as moral judgment, wisdom and emotional regulation improve during this period.

According to Dale Bredesen, the hormonal changes that occur in middle age and which are due to menopause in women and l’andropause in men can also impact the brain. “Cognitive decline can occur due to a sudden drop in hormones, such as the drop in estradiol associated with menopause. Middle age is also often marked by fat accumulation, which is associated with cognitive decline” he declares.

What to do to slow down brain aging ?

Aging happens naturally whether we like it or not. Furthermore, according to the two doctors interviewed in the HuffPost UK, a healthy lifestyle can have a significant positive impact on brain health. In particular, exercising has a big impact on brain health, according to Dr. Wint. Indeed, many conditions are closely linked to the decline in brain function. Having good physical health is therefore an essential element in preserving brain health and slowing down the cognitive decline. So, “Regular, moderate aerobic exercise reduces the risk of cognitive decline” explains the neurologist.

It’s also essential to maintain your blood pressure and weight at healthy levels, according to the expert. This is why you should treat your blood pressure if necessary, reduce your salt and sugar intake, avoid consuming processed foods and stay active. Good quality sleep is also essential to limit brain aging, as is maintaining social connections, adds Dr. Wint.

Neuroscientist Dale Bredesen believes that brain health should be seen as a long-term goal. If you are between 20 and 30 years old, it is therefore important to take action now.

Source :

  • Doctors Reveal Exactly What Happens To Your Brain After You Turn 50, Huffpost, le 29 Janvier 2024
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Oceane Letouze