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Brain health: this positive (and surprising) impact that sport has on our brain

  • February 2, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 69

If we already know a series of benefits from practicing regular physical activity, scientists have just identified a new advantage of sport, specific to brain aging.

When you exercise, you send a message to your entire body. You stress your bones, your muscles, your nerves, your heart and many organs, including the brain. During physical activity, the brain secretes many hormones and works in his own way. If you are a running enthusiast, you feed your brain health et improve your cognitive abilities without even noticing it. If this cause and effect link is already proven by science, American researchers wanted to go further and were interested in the repercussions of regular physical exercise on the structure and functioning of the brain.

The impact of regular physical activity on the size of certain areas of the brain

Led by a team from the Pacific Neuroscience Institute’s Brain Health Center, located at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in California, thestudy international focus on the direct impact that physical activity can have on certain areas of the brain. To carry out their research, the team examined data from 10,125 healthy adults, with an average age of 53 years. All answered a questionnaire on their physical and regular activities, then took a Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain.

After observation, the researchers found that people who regularly practiced physical activity, such as walking and running, presented larger brain volumes in certain specific areas. More specifically, they noticed an increase in gray matter, white matter and the hippocampus, i.e. vulnerable areas to brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases. As a reminder, gray matter processes and stores information, white matter is responsible for connection by connecting regions of the brain and the hippocampus plays an important role in cognition and memory.

Even practicing moderate physical activity would be beneficial to the brain

In a press release, the authors explain that their study establishes a direct link between the practice of regular physical activity and the net increase in brain volumes. Thus, the results suggest that sport would have neuroprotective effects on the brain. Furthermore, the scientists specify that they have observed that even moderate levels of regular physical activity could have a positive effect on brain health, such as walking fewer than 4,000 steps per day. “Our research confirms previous studies that show physical activity is beneficial for the brain. Not only does physical activity reduce the risk of dementia, it also contributes to maintain brain sizewhich is crucial as we age“, commented Cyrus A. Raji, MD and author of the study.

For Raj Attariwala, a radiologist and nuclear physician who also contributed to the research, this study “highlights the interconnected synergy between body and brain“. Elle “illustrates an easy way to keep our brain healthy: stay active ! Whether it’s a daily walk or playing a favorite sport, regular physical activity can have lasting beneficial effects on brain health“, he concludes.

Sources :

  • Exercise-Related Physical Activity Relates to Brain Volumes in 10,125 Individuals – Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
  • New Study Shows Exercise Can Boost Brain Health – Pacific Neuroscience Institute Brain Health Center (PBHC)

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Melody Husson Garnier