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Cancer: 3 symptoms that can appear in the morning

  • February 11, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 48

Cancer is the leading cause of premature death, ahead of cardiovascular diseases. For the year 2023, according to the National Cancer Institute, the number of new cases of cancer is estimated at 433,136. The most common cancers in men are prostate cancer., then lung and colorectal cancer. In women, the first cancer is breast cancer, followed by colorectal cancer, then lung cancer.

Cancer worries health authorities around the world because the disease is gaining ground all over the world. According to a study recently published by the World Health Organization, a 77% increase in cancer cases across the world is predicted by 2050. Air pollution would be mainly to blame. The aging of the population as well as poor lifestyle habits such as tobacco consumption and physical inactivity are also responsible for the increase in the number of cancers.

Cancer: early diagnosis is not always easy

Despite improvements in screening techniques, certain cancers remain difficult to identify due to the absence of symptoms in the early stages of the disease. However, certain signs which may seem innocuous, when added together, should alert you.

Waking up with a persistent cough can indicate this serious illness

Questioned by l’Express, Abbas Kanani, pharmacist, revealed that people waking up with a persistent cough could have cancer. Although it is common among smokers, a morning cough that lasts more than 2 weeks should prompt you to consult a health professional. The same applies if you experience a sore throat that lasts more than 2 weeks: you must consult as soon as possible.

Cancer: waking up tired can be a symptom

In addition, the pharmacist warns of being tired when waking up. “ It’s normal to feel a little tired in the morning, but if this isn’t usual for you, or you notice that fatigue lasts throughout the day, you should get it checked out. », explained the expert.

Night sweats can indicate cancer

Having night sweats on a regular basis is also worrying. “ If you wake up in the morning and the bed is wet or damp from sweat, this indicates that you might have had night sweats “, explained the pharmacist. “ Have this checked with your GP, especially if night sweats are accompanied by fatigue, weight loss or bruising. »

Cancer: how to reduce your risk?

According to the National Cancer Institute, it would be possible to prevent half of cancers by changing your lifestyle. “ It is recommended not to smoke, to moderate your alcohol consumption, to have a diversified and balanced diet, to monitor your weight, to practice regular physical activity and avoid exposure to UV radiation », It is specified on the INCa website.

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Lise Khaim