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Daily Express US | Putin reportedly plans to send Wagner fighters to Haiti to fight gangs and create problems for the United States

  • March 30, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 34

A former ambassador to Haiti warned that “the Russians, wherever they are, are going to take advantage of any perceptible weakness, and Haiti is a perceptible weakness.”

Vladimir Putin tried to increase Russia’s influence in Haiti to “sow trouble” and destabilize the country as part of a plot involving the violent Wagner Group mercenaries, experts have warned.

Haiti has been in a constant state of anarchy for years as gangs continue to control 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince.

The United States and other international actors have tried unsuccessfully to restore lasting stability to the country, but the gangs remain firmly in control.

Another country that has reportedly shown interest in Haiti is Russia.

In 2023, US intelligence documents described how Putin and the Wagner Group – a group of private mercenaries loyal to the Kremlin – tried to assert their own influence in Haiti.

Experts warned last year to keep a close eye on Russia and Haiti, even as Moscow is concerned about its invasion of Ukraine.

Luis Moreno, former acting U.S. ambassador to Haiti, told the Miami Herald: “The Russians, wherever they are, are going to take advantage of any perceived weakness they see and Haiti is a perceived weakness.”

“Putin is becoming more and more desperate and I’m sure he sees an opportunity here to cause us trouble. I’m sure he will. »

In 2022, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia accused the United States and Canada of using sanctions against individuals in Haiti as a means of promoting figures favorable to their interests in the country.

U.S. intelligence claimed in 2023 that Wagner planned to send emissaries to influence the Haitian government and secure a contract to fight gangs.

Evan Ellis, a Russia expert and research professor of Latin American studies at the Institute for Strategic Studies at the U.S. Army War College, said last year: “I see that Russia is looking for opportunities to create unrest, I guess whatever is happening with Russia is opportunistic. »

Former Ambassador Moreno added: “To sow this kind of turmoil and discontent and animosity towards Washington, of course they’re going to take advantage of it. So of course we should pay attention to it. »

Speaking to the Daily Express US, a Haitian journalist based in Port-au-Prince who wished to remain anonymous said that although Russia has shown interest in Haiti, most people in the country blame the United States for their problems.

Putin’s plot to send Wagner fighters to Haiti to fight gangs and ‘stir trouble’ for US – World News – News – Daily Express US (