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Dead and wounded by bullets recorded during clashes between rival gangs in Pernier

  • February 2, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 63

Deaths and gunshot wounds were recorded during clashes between rival gangs in Pernier.

Tension situation this Tuesday, January 30 in Pernier, more precisely in the locality of “Fatima”. According to a source contacted by Juno7, this tense situation set in after members of the 400 Mawozo gang invaded the area. On the other hand, the gang “break barriers” retorted.

Still according to our source, this situation caused the death of several people and others were injured. Furthermore, she specified that many residents abandoned their homes to take refuge in Pétion-Ville.

“Since last Friday, the 400 Mawozo group has been trying to invade Fatima but today, the members of this armed group did it and this is the result” she emphasizes, accusing the authorities of being mainly responsible. “Day by day we send signals so that the police authorities can come to our aid but they don’t care about us” laments our source who also left his home so as not to be a victim of these clashes.

Remember that according to the United Nations, more than 4,700 people were killed in 2023, more than double the previous year, and nearly 2,500 others were kidnapped. More than 300,000 people are internally displaced, living with host families or in makeshift or open-air shelters, with little or no humanitarian assistance.

Dead and wounded by bullets recorded during clashes between rival gangs in Pernier

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