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Delay the onset of white hair with these two vitamins!

  • February 16, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 36

Verified on 02/06/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

The arrival of the first white hairs can be a source of concern. Fortunately, it seems that with an intake of two particular vitamins, it is possible to delay their arrival. Here are the ones.

What causes white hair to appear?

First of all, know that, no, pulling out one hair does not lead to the growth of several grey hair in place. Dermatologist Hamdan Absdullah Hamed, interviewed by Huffpost, indicates that “the gray color does not spread when you pull out the hair”.

He completes: “However, every time you remove it, you also remove the follicle, so I suggest leaving the white hair as is.”The appearance of white hair actually depends on genetics, age of course, and diet.

“As we age, hormonal changes cause gray hair to appear at a certain age,” explained hair surgeon Dr. Patrick Davis to our colleagues at Huffpost.

The easiest way to know at what age your first bleached hair will appear is to observe your parents. If they got them early, chances are you did too.

The power supply has a decisive role in the appearance of white hair. Studies show that deficiencies in vitamine B12 and D3 and calcium may be associated with premature graying of hair.

Dermatologist Hamed explains that “Vitamin B12 in particular is involved in the production of blood cells, so it is necessary for hair growth.” Vitamin D3, for its part, helps in the formation of new hair follicles.

According to experts, supplementing with vitamins B12 and D3 could delay things, but not prevent them. The damage already suffered cannot be repaired, experts say.

Additionally, gray hair caused by a lack of nutrients is different from age-related discoloration. If your hair is turning gray because of your age, vitamin supplementation won’t change anything.

Where to find vitamin B12 and D3 in your diet?

Vitamin B12 is mainly found in meat, red or white, in offal and eggs. There vitamin D3 As for it, it is found in fatty fish such as salmon, eggs or cod liver oil.

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

February 6, 2024, at 5:10 p.m.

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