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Fritz Jean provides certain clarifications on the functioning of the Presidential Council

  • May 14, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 29

In an interview given to Radio et Télé Métropole, as part of the update section, advisor-president Fritz Alphonse Jean provided details on the functioning, priorities and major projects of the Presidential Council.

According to him, security, economic recovery, agriculture, among others, are the priority issues of the presidential transition council.

The former central bank governor emphasized the need to resolve the problem of insecurity in order to allow citizens of the capital to freely go about their business.

The establishment of the security and defense council is underway, says the economist. This structure must serve as an interface with the multinational force that will be deployed in the country, he assures.

Furthermore, the representative of the Montana agreement promises that everything will be done to guarantee the resumption of activities at the general hospital, the reconstruction of which has stalled for years, due to bad governance, the largest hospital center in the country became operational following gang attacks. Il said he had already made arrangements with the Ministry of Finance, with the aim of resolving the problem.

Of another side, he took the opportunity to deny the allegations suggesting that the presidential council will be budgetary.

He affirms that this structure will not cost more than the old presidency. Because its operating budget will be reduced.

He explains that each advisor will be entitled to a small firm comprising 2 advisors and 2 consultants, he specifies.

It should be remembered that the economist voluntarily gave up his seat has the rotating presidency of the Presidential Council for the benefit of Ambassador Smith Augustin, the representative, of RED/EDE and Historical Compromise.

A gesture welcomed by many Haitians, political leaders and members of the international community who believe that the person concerned has simply prioritized the interests of the country to the detriment of his personal interest or his political clan.

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