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Garry Conille: the man, one of the values ​​of the moment

  • May 12, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 27

Political moments are always important for understanding what we can hope for in the future because the choices of the present shape the future. This precept is the truth of the moment.
Let’s say it: the choice of those who will have to lead Haiti is being decided now.
We find ourselves at a crucial moment for the nation. In the current context, the presidential council must decide on the profile of a candidate who will have to lead the country’s boats. This choice must be based on reason and not on passion. Former Prime Minister, Garry Conille, represents the one who ticks all the boxes to run for this position.

There are many reasons why this choice is one of reason. It would not be in vain to list the reasons why the Haitian nation deserves a man of Garry Conille’s caliber to lead the country’s transitional government. We can remember three.

Firstly, Conille is a man who needs no introduction in Haitian society. He is the man who does not come from any party. Moreover, this is the particularity of his personality: he crosses all political clans. He is able to discuss with all sectors of the nation.

Second, the country needs a man who knows the workings of public administration because this large administrative machine that is the State must be led by honest and competent men. Garry Conille’s competence is known and recognized by all sectors of national life. We need a Prime Minister who masters the major contemporary economic issues. This is a quality that we find in Garry Conille.

Third, our country is at a crossroads where we need someone who can not only guarantee respect for our sovereignty in the face of the international community but who can discuss the different development plans for the years to come.

For all these reasons, the presidential council, the different sectors of the nation and the international community must set their sights on Garry Conille, a man of consensus, experience and a good interlocutor with the international community.

One man, one choice and the nation will be back on track for development.

Judith Dérilus
Doctoral student in Political Sciences.
Free University of Brussels.