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Gressier: The police in charge

  • May 12, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 28

Police officers were deployed to Gressier in order to regain control of the situation in the Commune, under the influence of the gangs who burst in on the night of Friday 10 to Saturday 11 May 2024. The announcement was made by the PNH and SYNAPOHA.

THE HAITI FACTOR, May 12, 2024._The Haitian National Police (PNH) reacted to the armed attack perpetrated by armed bandits on the night of Friday May 10 to Saturday May 11, 2024.

During the attack, the invading gangsters stormed the Commune Police Station and set fire to several vehicles.

Gressier: The police in charge

Add to this, they forced several hundred families to flee their homes and went to Léogâne to take refuge there.

Around 3 days after the irruption of armed bandits in Gressier, the police reinforced security measures in the Commune.

And this is why agents from several units including those of the SWAT TEAM, a team from the Departmental Unit for Maintaining Order of the South East (UDMO South East) and other specialized units were deployed there in with a view to taking control of the situation, in particular the Police Station, said the PNH.

For his part, the National Coordinator of the National Union of Haitian Police Officers (SYNAPOHA), Lionel Lazarre also confirms the arrival of reinforcements of police officers from UDMO-Nippes, UTAG and DDO1.

Gressier: The police in charge

According to the unionized police officer, the General Directorate of the PNH has already issued instructions to the officials of the Police Station to initiate repair work in the building.

In the meantime, tough operations to tackle the criminals are planned, Lionel Lazarre tells us.


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Le Facteur Haiti